
Biostatistics, quantitative social science, data science. There’s a lot of names to describe what I do, which, fundamentally, is things with data. I love thinking about data in the real-world - how our worldview impacts data collection decisions, how data are used in a research context, and how I can best use data to help people answer the questions they have. At the end of the day, I want to contribute to research that ends up improving the lives of others.


  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing
  • Indigenous Data Sovereignty
  • Data collection and survey design
  • Statistical consulting
  • Data literacy


  • PhD in Indigenous Epidemiology and Health, in progress

    The University of Melbourne

  • Master of Biostatistics, 2018

    The University of Melbourne

  • Bachelor of Arts, 2015

    The University of Western Australia


R, SQL, Stata

R is my preferred language and I’m proficient with SQL and Stata


There are a lot of good questions out there being asked, I like helping figure out how to answer them

Reproducible research

From start to finish I like my make sure my reports are reproducible and as automated as possible

Data cleaning

Who doesn’t like taking some dirty data and giving it a good scrub

Data Visualisation

Sure, pictures speak a thousand words, but they might take a thousand lines of code too


The majority of my R knowledge is self-taught, so I’d say my Google-Fu is pretty good



Quantitative Social Scientist

Australian National University

October 2023 – Present Canberra, Australia
My work as a research fellow at the Centre for Indigenous Policy Research involves analysing many and varied datasets to answer a whole range of policy-relevant questions for First Nations organisations and government departments alike. I’m mindful to keep the context of the data in mind and avoid contributing BADDR data analyses.

Clinical Trials Biostatistician

Deakin University

August 2022 – October 2023 Ballarat, Australia
I provided study design and statistical oversight for a randomised trial investigating the effectiveness of a low-intensity mental health support service in reducing diabetes distress. This includes sample size calculation, developing a statistical analysis plan and randomisation scheme, advising on technical challenges arising over the course of the trial, and analysing research data.

Consultant Biostatistician

Grampians Health

September 2021 – November 2023 Ballarat, Australia
I consulted with clinicians engaged in research to support their study design and statistical analyses. This ranged from helping develop research questions and writing protocols to performing statistical analysis and interpreting results. I also developed educational materials and delivered seminars for clinicians on the topic of good research practices.


The Peter Doherty Institute

November 2019 – January 2023 Melbourne, Australia
As part of the International and Immigrant Health Group I provided statistical support to the research team. Major achievements include a systematic review of type 2 diabetes in resettled refugee and asylum seeker populations, and the development of a REDCap database and provision of on-site research training for local staff for a randomised pragmatic trial a dietary and lifestyle intervention in a remote Aboriginal community in the Northern Territory.


Wearer of Many Hats

Statistical Society of Australia

Dec 2018 – Present Melbourne, Australia
I’ve had a variety of roles while volunteering for the SSA, including Secretary then President of the Victorian & Tasmanian branch, organiser of the Early Career and Student Statistician 2021 conference, and member of the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion committee. I also helped with the transition to the new website, conducted a survey of our members on equity, diversity, and inclusion issues, and developed policies, procedures, and strategic plans.


  • Centre for Indigenous Policy Research, Acton, ACT 2601
  • My office is on the 2nd floor of the Copland building
  • Monday to Friday 09:00 to 17:00
  • DM Me