
Improving cardiometabolic risk factors in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in northeast Arnhem Land: single arm trial of a co-designed dietary and lifestyle program

Hasthi UW Dissanayake, George Guruwiwi, J Dhurrkay, Josh C Tynan, Sabine Braat, Benjamin Harrap, Tim Trudgen, Sarah Hanieh, Bronwyn Clark, Michaela Spencer, Michael Christie, Emma Tonkin, Emily Armstrong, Leonard C Harrison, John M Wentworth, Julie K Brimblecombe, Beverley-Ann Biggs
Medical Journal of Australia
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To evaluate the impact of a 4-month dietary and lifestyle program co-designed and led by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people on weight and metabolic markers, diet, and physical activity in overweight and obese adults in a remote Indigenous community.

Study design

Single arm, pre–post intervention study.

Setting, participants

Adult residents (18–65 years) of a remote Northern Territory community with body mass index (BMI) values of at least 25 kg/m2 or waist circumferences exceeding 94 cm (men) or 80 cm (women).


Hope for Health, a culturally sensitive 4-month program supporting self-managed health improvement based on dietary and lifestyle change, 1 August to 30 November 2022.

Main outcome measures

Weight loss of at least 5%; changes in BMI, waist circumference, other metabolic markers (blood pressure, biomarkers of metabolic health and inflammation), diet, and physical activity; participant perceptions of the program.


We assessed outcomes for 55 participants who completed weight assessments at both baseline and program end (mean age, 42.5 years [standard deviation, 10.1 years]; 36 women [65%]). Forty participants lost and 15 gained weight; overall mean weight loss was 1.5 kg (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.5–2.4 kg), and ten participants (18%; 95% CI, 9–31%) achieved at least 5% weight reduction. The mean change in BMI (53 participants) was –0.60 kg/m2 (95% CI, –0.93 to –0.27 kg/m2), in waist circumference (53 participants) –3.2 cm (95% CI, –4.7 to –1.7 cm), and in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol level (37 participants) –0.28 mmol/L (95% CI, –0.47 to –0.08 mmol/L); the relative decline in the HbA1c level geometric mean (50 participants) was 11% (95% CI, 6–15%). The intake of breads and cereals (median change, –1.5 [95% CI, –2.0 to –1.0] serves/day) and sugar-sweetened beverages (–0.6 [95% CI, –1.4 to –0.1] serves/day) declined; the amount of moderate and vigorous physical activity increased by a median of 103 min/day (95% CI, 74–136 min/day; 19 participants). The program focus on integrating healthy bodies and networks of kin, healthy governance, vibrant language and ceremony, and a healthy environment were seen as central to its value and benefit.


Community appreciation of the program and the improvements in cardiometabolic risk factors are encouraging, providing an example of a culturally sensitive, co-designed initiative led by Indigenous people for reducing the prevalence of chronic disease in remote areas.

Mental and neurodevelopmental health needs of Aboriginal children with experience of out-of-home care: a Western Australian data-linkage study

Benjamin Harrap, Alison Gibberd, Melissa O’Donnell, Jocelyn Jones, Richard Chenhall, Bridgette McNamara, Koen Simons, Sandra Eades
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health
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To identify additional mental and neurodevelopmental health needs of Aboriginal children born in Western Australia, who are placed in out-of-home care (OOHC), relative to Aboriginal children born in Western Australia who were not placed.


Data-linkage of hospitalisations, health registries and child protective services data for all Aboriginal children born in WA between 2000 and 2013 was used. Children placed in out-of-home care between 2000 and 2019 were matched to children never placed and prevalence and cumulative incidence estimates of mental and neurodevelopmental health conditions were compared.


Children placed in out-of-home care had a three times greater prevalence of mental and neurodevelopmental health conditions generally. The prevalence of foetal alcohol spectrum disorder was ten times higher, and post-traumatic stress disorder was seven times higher for those placed in out-of-home care. Cumulative incidence plots highlighted for different conditions the ages at which the rate of diagnosis diverges between the two groups.


Children placed in out-of-home care had greater mental and neurodevelopmental health needs generally when compared to children never placed in out-of-home care.

Implications for Public Health

Child protective services must ensure culturally safe, comprehensive, wrap-around services for Aboriginal children and their families are provided. Approaches should build on the strength of children, families and culture and avoid stigmatising children and their parents.

Aboriginal children placed in out-of-home care: Pathways through the child protection system

Fernando Lima, Melissa O’Donnell, Alison Gibberd, Kathleen Falster, Emily Banks, Jocelyn Jones, Robyn Williams, Francine Eades, Benjamin Harrap, Richard Chenhall, Olivia Octoman, Sandra Eades
Australian Social Work
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Click for abstract The overrepresentation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (respectfully referred to hereafter as “Aboriginal”) children in the child protection system is a concern in Australia, with Aboriginal children placed in out-of-home care at a rate 11 times that of non-Aboriginal children. This study utilised linked administrative data to determine the longitudinal child protection pathways from birth to age 10 years for a cohort of 15,815 Aboriginal children born in Western Australia between 2000 and 2006. In total, 9,269 (59%) children did not have any contact with child protection between one year prior to birth and their 11th birthday. Conversely, 6,546 (41%) Aboriginal children were involved with child protection during the study period, with 1,405 (9%) children placed in out-of-home care. Infants who had a child protection notification were more likely than other age groups to have a substantiated notification of abuse and neglect and placed in out-of-home care. More than half (56%) of all children were predominantly placed in kinship care; however, only 22% had their first placement with kinship carers. Aboriginal-led strategies together with the support and commitment of all levels of government are required to reduce entry into care and improve outcomes for Aboriginal children in care.

Cumulative incidence of child protection system contacts among a cohort of Western Australian Aboriginal children born 2000 to 2013

Benjamin Harrap, Alison Gibberd, Melissa O’Donnell, Koen Simons, Jocelyn Jones, Fernando Lima, Daniel McAullay, Kathleen Falster, Emily Banks, Sandra Eades
Child Abuse & Neglect
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Reducing the over-representation of Aboriginal children in the child protection system is a key target for the Australian government.


We aimed to provide more recent evidence on the population-level cumulative incidence of contacts for Aboriginal children with child protective services (CPS) in Western Australia (WA).

Participants and Setting

Linked administrative data was provided for WA CPS between 2000 and 2015 for 33,709 Aboriginal children born in WA between 2000 and 2013.


Descriptive summaries and cumulative incidence estimates were used to examine changes in CPS contact trends over time and within sibling groups.


There was an increase in early-childhood contacts for children born more recently, with 7.6 % and 2.3 % of children born in 2000–2001 having a notification and placement in out-of-home care by age one, respectively, compared to 15.1 % and 4.3 % of children born in 2012–2013. Among sibling groups where at least one sibling had a CPS contact, approximately half of children had their first contacts on the same date as another sibling. For children born after one of their siblings had been placed in out-of-home care, 31.9 % had themselves been placed in out-of-home care by age one.


Multiple children tend to be placed into out-of-home care when at least one sibling is, which is likely to have a significant impact on families affected. The additional risk of placement also carries over to children born after the first removal in a sibling group, highlighting the need for further support to prevent future removals.

A randomised controlled trial of email versus mailed invitation letter in a national longitudinal survey of physicians

Benjamin Harrap, Tamara Taylor, Grant Russell, Anthony Scott
PLoS One
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Click for abstract Despite their low cost, the use of email invitations to distribute surveys to medical practitioners have been associated with lower response rates. This research compares the difference in response rates from using email approach plus online completion rather than a mailed invitation letter plus a choice of online or paper completion. A parallel randomised controlled trial was conducted during the 11th annual wave of the nationally representative Medicine in Australia: Balancing Employment and Life (MABEL) longitudinal survey of doctors. The control group was invited using a mailed paper letter (including a paper survey plus instructions to complete online) and three mailed paper reminders. The intervention group was approached in the same way apart from the second reminder when they were approached by email only. The primary outcome is the response rate and the statistical analysis was blinded. 18,247 doctors were randomly allocated to the control (9,125) or intervention group (9,127), with 9,108 and 9,107 included in the analysis. Using intention to treat analysis, the response rate in the intervention group was 35.92% compared to 37.59% in the control group, a difference of -1.66 percentage points (95% CI: -3.06 to -0.26). The difference was larger for General Practitioners (-2.76 percentage points, 95% CI: -4.65 to -0.87) compared to other specialists (-0.47 percentage points, 95% CI: -2.53 to 1.60). For those who supplied an email address, the average treatment effect on the treated was higher at -2.63 percentage points (95% CI: -4.50 to -0.75) for all physicians, -3.17 percentage points (95% CI: -5.83 to -0.53) for General Practitioners, and -2.1 percentage points (95% CI: -4.75 to 0.56) for other specialists. For qualified physicians, using email to invite participants to complete a survey leads to lower response rates compared to a mailed letter. Lower response rates need to be traded off with the lower costs of using email rather than mailed letters.

Feasibility and acceptability of “low-intensity mental health support via a telehealth-enabled network” for adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes: The LISTEN pilot study

Edith E. Holloway, Shikha Gray, Jennifer Halliday, Benjamin Harrap, Carolyn Hines, Timothy C. Skinner, Jane Speight & Christel Hendrieckx
Pilot and Feasibility Studies
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This study examined the feasibility and acceptability of the low-intensity mental health support via telehealth-enabled network (LISTEN) intervention, for adults with diabetes, facilitated by diabetes health professionals (HPs).


LISTEN training. Three HPs participated in three half-day online workshops and applied their learnings during training cases (maximum four). Competency was assessed with a validated tool and achieved ‘satisfactory’ ratings for three consecutive sessions. LISTEN pilot. A single-group, pre-post study (up to four LISTEN sessions) with online assessments at baseline, post-intervention, and 4-week follow-up. Eligible participants were adults with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, with diabetes distress, but excluded if they had moderate/severe depressive and/or anxiety symptoms. Feasibility was assessed via recruitment and session completion rates. Acceptability was assessed with post-intervention self-report data. Changes in diabetes distress and general emotional well-being from baseline (T1) were explored at post-intervention (T2) and at 4-week follow-up (T3).


Two HPs achieved competency (median training case sessions required: 7) and progressed to deliver LISTEN in the pilot study. In the pilot, N = 16 adults (Med [IQR] age: 60 [37–73] years; 13 women) with diabetes participated (median sessions per participant: 2). Twelve participants (75%) completed the post-intervention assessment (T2): 92% endorsed the number of sessions offered as ‘just right’, 75% felt comfortable talking with the HP, and 67% were satisfied with LISTEN. Perceived limitations were the structured format and narrow scope of problems addressed. Diabetes distress scores were lower post-intervention.


This pilot demonstrates the feasibility of training HPs to deliver LISTEN, and the acceptability and potential benefits of LISTEN for adults with diabetes. The findings highlight adaptations that may enhance the delivery of, and satisfaction with, LISTEN that will be tested in a hybrid type 1 effectiveness-implementation trial.

The Statistical Society of Australia Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity Survey Report 2022

Benjamin Harrap, Jessica Kasza, Nicole De La Mata, Katrina Scurrah, Karen Lamb, Matthew Spittal, Andrew van Burgel, Rushani Wijesuriya
Statistical Society of Australia
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Click for abstract The Statistical Society of Australia’s (SSA) Equity Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI) Comittee conducted a survey on EDI issues as they related to the SSA, seeking responses from both members and non-members to open and closed questions. Sixty-four responses were received over a one-and-a-half month period. Eighty-seven percent of respondents were current members and 56% did not consider themselves as coming from an under-represented background. The majority of respondents, regardless of background, considered the SSA to be an inclusive and welcoming organisation, however for those from an under-represented background only half always felt welcome at SSA-run events. Responses to the open-ended questions generated discussion among the EDI Committee and broader Executive Committee, which has resulted in the work being done to address how the SSA recruits members to join its councils, what topics the SSA should make public statements on, and making information on the organisational structure of the SSA more easily accessible to new members.

Australia’s superior skilled migration outcomes compared with Canada’s

Benjamin Harrap, Lesleyanne Hawthorne, Margaret Holland, James Ted McDonald, Anthony Scott
International Migration
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Click for abstract Australia and Canada are global exemplars of skilled migration policy, designed to have important effects on economic growth. This article assesses the development and outcomes of their permanent migration programmes for a range of regulated professions. We compare the matched census data from both countries in 2016 and then examine the key drivers of the major differences found through qualitative interviews. Although the trends in numbers and source countries and characteristics of skilled migrants are similar, their earnings relative to equivalent native-born earnings are far lower in Canada than in Australia. This reflects the Australian government’s greater power to initiate and drive policy reform agendas, early strategies designed to enhance foreign credential recognition and a heightened role for employers including through two-step migration. Canada has recently announced significantly expanded migration intakes. These seem unlikely to lead to strong economic growth, unless entry requirements are tightened and more targeted support provided.

A pedometer-guided physical activity intervention for obese pregnant women (the fit MUM study): Randomized feasibility study

Jai N Darvall, Andrew Wang, Mohamed Nusry Nazeem, Cheryce L Harrison, Lauren Clarke, Chennelle Mendoza, Anna Parker, Benjamin Harrap, Glyn Teale, David Story, Elizabeth Hessian
JMIR mHealth and uHealth
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Obesity in pregnancy is a growing problem worldwide, with excessive gestational weight gain (GWG) occurring in the majority of pregnancies. This significantly increases risks to both mother and child. A major contributor to both prepregnancy obesity and excessive GWG is physical inactivity; however, past interventions targeting maternal weight gain and activity levels during the antenatal period have been ineffective in women who are already overweight. Pedometer-guided activity may offer a novel solution for increasing activity levels in this population.


This initial feasibility randomized controlled trial aimed to test a pedometer-based intervention to increase activity and reduce excessive GWG in pregnant women.


We supplied 30 pregnant women with obesity a Fitbit Zip pedometer and randomized them into 1 of 3 groups: control (pedometer only), app (pedometer synced to patients’ personal smartphone, with self-monitoring of activity), or app-coach (addition of a health coach–delivered behavioral change program). Feasibility outcomes included participant compliance with wearing pedometers (days with missing pedometer data), data syncing, and data integrity. Activity outcomes (step counts and active minutes) were analyzed using linear mixed models and generalized estimating equations.


A total of 30 participants were recruited within a 10-week period, with a dropout rate of 10% (3/30; 2 withdrawals and 1 stillbirth); 27 participants thus completed the study. Mean BMI in all groups was ≥35 kg/m2. Mean (SD) percentage of missing data days were 23.4% (20.6%), 39.5% (32.4%), and 21.1% (16.0%) in control, app group, and app-coach group patients, respectively. Estimated mean baseline activity levels were 14.5 active min/day and 5455 steps/day, with no significant differences found in activity levels between groups, with mean daily step counts in all groups remaining in the sedentary (5000 steps/day) or low activity (5000-7499 steps/day) categories for the entire study duration. There was a mean decrease of 7.8 steps/day for each increase in gestation day over the study period (95% CI 2.91 to 12.69, P=.002).


Activity data syncing with a personal smartphone is feasible in a cohort of pregnant women with obesity. However, our results do not support a future definitive study in its present form. Recruitment and retention rates were adequate, as was activity data syncing to participants’ smartphones. A follow-up interventional trial seeking to reduce GWG and improve activity in this population must focus on improving compliance with activity data recording and behavioral interventions delivered.

Medicine in Australia: Balancing employment and life (MABEL). MABEL user manual: Wave 11 release

Sandie Szawlowski, Ben Harrap, Anne Leahy, Anthony Scott
Melbourne Institute: Applied Economic & Social Research
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Incidence of treated first episode psychosis from an Australian early intervention service and its association with neighbourhood characteristics

Scott Eaton, Benjamin Harrap, Linglee Downey, Kristen Thien, Meghan Bowtell, Melissa Bardell-Williams, Aswin Ratheesh, Patrick McGorry, Brian O’Donoghue
Schizophrenia Research
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Psychotic disorder incidence varies geographically and is associated with neighbourhood characteristics, including social deprivation, population density, unemployment, social capital or social fragmentation. Yet it is not known whether these findings are applicable to Australia’s unique geography. This study aimed to determine whether the incidence of first episode psychosis (FEP) varies according to neighbourhood characteristics in an Australian cohort.


This study included all young people, aged 15 to 24, with an FEP who attended Orygen Youth Health in Melbourne, from a geographically defined catchment area encompassing Northern and Western Melbourne, over a 44-month period. Neighbourhood demographic data was collected from the 2011 Australian National Census. Negative binomial regression was used to determine incidence rate ratios controlled for age, sex and migrant status.


A total of 747 young people had an FEP during the 44-month study period and 722 were included in this study. Of these, 58.0% were males and 67.9% had a non-affective psychotic disorder; the mean age of the cohort was 19.1 years. The incidence of FEP in young people aged 15 to 24 in the catchment area was 123.2 per 100,000 person-years. There was a higher incidence of FEP in neighbourhoods of greatest social deprivation (IRR = 1.65, CI = 1.06–2.51, p = .02), highest unemployment (IRR = 1.56, CI = 1.04–2.35, p = .03) and above average social fragmentation (IRR = 1.42, CI = 1.02–1.97, p = .04), when controlled for age, sex and migrant status.


This study highlights variation in psychotic disorder incidence and the need for this disparity to be reflected in appropriate resource allocation.